Home Base :
San Francisco, CA

Brand guru.
Thoughtful designer.
Strategic messenger.
Adult goofball.

Let's Hang Out (I'm not as tough or as cool as pictured.)
I don't subscribe to the belief that we have to be uptight and boring
in order for us to come across as viable professionals.

So let's get to know one another. For real.
I'm always seeking genuine, authentic connections:
with my team, with brands, and with your business.
Okay, But Do you have proof You're any good?

See what others think of me.

Lindsay Gerten Senior Account-Based Marketing Manager, Workday
Lawrence Go Associate Creative Director, Workday
Megan Greene Senior Associate Graphic Designer, Workday
Josh Kaplan Global Influencer Marketing Manager, 2K Games
Ben Citron Creative Director, VaynerMedia

Matt is one of those unique individuals that makes us all better--better marketers, better professionals, better humans. In addition to being a very talented design director with the highest standards for quality and compelling design, his way of collaborating with colleagues is special. He always drives for the best possible output--creative design, quality, and impact--and does so in a way that is discussion-based to talk through thoughts, concepts, goals, and fresh ideas. He's the essential glue that holds all our projects together and the ultimate litmus test of our team's work. As result, we've been able to attract the attention of nearly unreachable C-level enterprise leaders to begin opportunity conversations.

Matt is an absolute pleasure to work with and always finds a way forward with minimal structure and the toughest critics. He's flawlessly steady in a flurry of tiny details, challenging requests, vendor nuances, and always-tight deadlines. He always pushes for quality and doing the right thing over quick fixes and is a tremendous asset to our team. I feel fortunate to have had the opportunity to work with him and learn from him.

In the time I've known Matt Boston I've watched him give birth and nurture Workday's first ever Account Based Marketing program. His relentless attention to detail, understanding of the customer, and the closing of deals big and small soon made the program the hottest thing since sliced bread. Matt exudes enthusiasm at every touch point in the design process and as president of his fan club I'd like to give a shout out to Matt on a long tradition of job's well done.

I am proud to say that Matt Boston is one of the best creative directors I’ve ever had the privilege to work with. As a junior designer, I was drawn to Matt Boston’s passion for design and determination to push the envelope, both creatively and strategically, with every single project. His drive and dedication to good work is infectious and that enthusiasm elevates those around him, creative or otherwise.

With his direction, not only did my design skills grow exponentially, but my confidence as a creative professional did as well. He taught me to defend my choices and never settle for work I didn’t believe in. A wealth of knowledge and experience, I found myself learning something new every day. He is generous with his time and always strives to be clear and honest. He knows when and how much to push to make the work really shine, listens, and pays attention to the needs of his team, which is more important than ever in a world full of burnout.

He’s willing to put in every ounce of work he asks of his teammates and then some, building a strong sense of trust and camaraderie. When his team feels overwhelmed, he is the problem-solving rock that gets them through. He is the definition of an “overachiever” in the best possible way. Matt Boston is a fierce team leader who genuinely takes pride in the success of those around him.

Any brand, business or team would be extremely lucky to have him.

Matt is a highly skilled and inspired designer and department head. He provides candid strategy and counsel wrapped in the perfect amount of tact, which is a wonderful combination for someone skilled in technical design while working with teams across a diverse set of disciplines. Matt’s professionalism, design acumen and communications skills drove new opportunities and capabilities, resulting in outstanding social and digital design work from both him and the team he led, with timely and flawless deliverables.

Matt is a superb addition to any organization fortunate enough to bring him aboard and benefit from his creativity and technical expertise.

Matt is a well-rounded design professional with a strong aesthetic sensibility and a tenacious work ethic. As part of my team at VaynerMedia, I relied on him to keep a large volume of projects on track in terms of both quality and timing. While always ready and willing to roll up his sleeves and dive into the production side of the work, he also demonstrated the ability – and the desire – to guide and mentor junior design team members. With an eye for detail and a dogged determination to get every job done right, Matt has what it takes to thrive in a fast-paced environment.

What can this guy even do?

I sync brand with strategic marketing through design, communications, and research for measurable impact and experiences.

That's a lot of fancy talk, huh? Well, let's just say I like to make stuff look good, sound good, and make people feel things for the sake of solving your largest creative problems. Cool? Cool.

But check out my hard skills
Branding, Icon, & Identity Design

From reinvigorating tired logos, to creating identities from scratch, I love to represent brands visually.


A strong sense of typography is essential to properly communicate your brand to the masses.

Print & Production

Understanding the capabilities and limitations of the printing process is essential for any physical piece.


An image is worth 1,000 words, but not all words are created equally. Great copy helps contextualize design and ensure your message is understood.

Video Direction, Editing, & Production

Concepting, shooting, editing. I can help you stand out in a crowded newsfeed.

Photography Direction & Editing

Proper lighting and art direction at the moment of image capture can reduce the time, expense, and frustration of trying to “fix it in post”.

Illustration & Animation

Some brand stories can only be told through the power of the pen (tool).

Social Media

Social media is not your opportunity to talk at your audience. It’s your chance to create a 1:1 relationship at scale.

Web/UI/UX Design

Aesthetics are great, but good UI is design with purpose. Matching design to expectations to create behavior is the heart of an engaging digital experience.

I, somehow, want to know more about him...

I'll tell you all there is to know. But where to start?

I'm obsessed with brand, design, typography, copywriting, marketing, messaging, research and strategy, but... believe it or not, I'm obsessed with more than that.

  • Want to talk motorcycles? Let’s ride.
  • Does technology fascinate you to he point of always wanting to find out how things work? I know that feeling.
  • Are you also obsessed with culture and how to grow and leverage your talent? Me too.
  • Do you play music, barbecue meats, off-road, head-bang, travel, love dogs, or just generally inquisitive? Same!


Years Of Experience
Big-Name Logos Make me look good

Some friends that have leveraged my talents

let's talk

about your next project.

Get creative solutions... and sometimes candy.